student spaceflight
experiments program (ssep)
mission 17
to the international space station (ISS)
As part of a PICK Education research collaboration, Ector County ISD (ECISD) was selected to participate in SSEP Mission 17 to the ISS, and is a part of 37 participating communities in 3 countries; USA, Canada and Ukraine. This will be ECISD's fourth mission in the SSEP and the Mission Patch Art and Design Competition.
SSEP was designed as a model U.S. national Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education initiative, the program gives students across a participating community the ability to design and propose real microgravity experiments to fly in low Earth orbit (experiments conducted in a “weightless” environment).
Experiment Selected for Flight: Pestalotiopsis microspora in Microgravity
Student Team:
Co-Principal Investigators
Evan Hernandez
Bryan Nash
Georgi Shoumaroff
Evan Boyer
Kagan Holder
Teacher Advisor:
Karey Grametbaur
Mission Patches Selected for Flight:
Secondary Winner:
Naelie Perez
Elementary Winner:
Edith Martinez
The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program [or SSEP] is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S. and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with NanoRacksLLC, which is working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory.

mission 13
selected experiment
for flight
A Novel Way to Treat a Cancer with C. sporogenes in Microgravity
Co-Principal Investigators:
Maryam Akram, Sydney Richardson
Eva Brower, Aidan Gomez, Maison Leet, Jean Machado Torres
Co-Teacher Facilitators:
Courtney Smith and Priscilla Torres

mission 13
SSEP conference
Chantilly, Virginia

mission 12
selected experiment
for flight
The Efficacy of Ideonella Sakaiensis in a Microgravity Environment
Principal Investigator:
Deidre Morales
Devin Arriaga, Fabian Carrasco, Francis Depanas, Mason Driggers, Faith Eleby, Damien Galindo, Kobe Hernandez, Wendy Hernandez, Leodegario Lopez, Juandedios Mendoza, Yazlin Romero, Graceille Velasco
Teacher Facilitator:
Elizabeth Gray

mission 12
SSEP conference
Washington, D.C.